You have probably found that parenting comes with a fair amount of challenges. Even in the best of circumstances, parents disagree about how to approach even simple "kid issues". CPR will offer you skills that will assist you and your co-parent in getting through some of those tough times.
Stop the cycle of paying other people to make your decisions, taking time off work to go to court, staying up late stressing about having to talk to the other parent, etc. You can change your style of interaction.
The cost of the entire CPR program for 10 hours is $2,500. The Booster sessions are paid at the time of the meetings when scheduled and that is separate from your initial program fee of $2,500. Booster sessions are $250 for a 50 minute session. We ask that each parent pay half of the initial fee ($1,250) or according to their percentage of the total, as has been determined by the court. This ensures an equal or proportionate level of financial commitment that we find generally translates into commitment to working in the course. This is a fraction of what you would pay an attorney, Child and Family Investigator, Parenting Coordinator etc. We believe that this will be money well spent, if you are ready to make changes and follow the program.
Contact us today for availability and schedule a date to begin!
Stop the cycle of paying other people to make your decisions, taking time off work to go to court, staying up late stressing about having to talk to the other parent, etc. You can change your style of interaction.
The cost of the entire CPR program for 10 hours is $2,500. The Booster sessions are paid at the time of the meetings when scheduled and that is separate from your initial program fee of $2,500. Booster sessions are $250 for a 50 minute session. We ask that each parent pay half of the initial fee ($1,250) or according to their percentage of the total, as has been determined by the court. This ensures an equal or proportionate level of financial commitment that we find generally translates into commitment to working in the course. This is a fraction of what you would pay an attorney, Child and Family Investigator, Parenting Coordinator etc. We believe that this will be money well spent, if you are ready to make changes and follow the program.
Contact us today for availability and schedule a date to begin!